Aquamatic have helped hundreds of companies comply with the rigorous demands of the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive UWWTD
Background: Every Sampler in Aquamatics current line up is MCERTs Certified, a UK performance standard created by the Environment Agency to ensures that compliant equipment will provide reliable, repeatable and representative samples for the user. The foundations of the MCERTs standard were based on the E32 Specification, which was in turn developed to define a performance standard for Sampling equipment being supplied for the purposes of compliance with the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive (91/271/EEC) 1991
The Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive is still today driving major plant and system improvments in wastewater management and control throughout Europe. Aquamatic have a huge amount of experience with complying with these requirements so please contact us to discuss your UWWTD Wastewater Sampling needs in detail